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The sky isn't falling and the dollar isn't going to zero. Yes, the dollar is in a slow and long-term decline but don't buy what the panic mongers are selling

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross laid out the five stages of grief in her 1969 book On Death and Dying. There’s denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. The financial markets when confronting a strong trend work through their own five stages. Not of grief....

Way down the road I can see early signs of the next stock market–and it's not going to look a lot like the last market or today's either

Sometimes the shortest distance to portfolio disaster is a straight line between two points. This, I believe, is one of those times. If I’ve been clear about nothing else in the last few weeks, I hope I’ve been clear on how impossible it is to find a reliable,...

Are China's stocks now cheap?

So who’s right about China’s stock markets? Domestic Chinese investors, who follow government pronouncements on bank lending as if they’re portfolios depended on it, have led selling that has taken the Shanghai Stock market down 16% in August. Wall Street money...

Qualcomm to manufacture Kindle in UK

According to, Amazon is almost ready to set a UK release date for the Kindle.  “Manufacturing responsibilities for a UK Kindle are said to be going to Qualcomm, who is also allegedly responsible for finding a regional cellular...

Picks up 11.6% in Q2

The Jubak’s Picks, my 12-18 month portfolio, returned 11.6% in the second quarter of 2009. Not shabby for a portfolio almost 50% in cash when the period began. When stocks are plunging, holding cash limits your losses. When stocks are rallying—and the 40% gain on the...

Books on China

Want to understand China? (And what investor doesn’t these days?) Start with these two books. First, China Shakes the World by James Kynge, the former China bureau chief for the Financial Times. Second, China’s Trapped Transition: The Limits of Developmental Autocracy...