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I’m starting up my videos again–this time using YouTube as a platform.

My hundred and first YouTube video “Trend of the week Lidar” went up today.

This week’s trend of the week is Lidar, which is a light-based navigation technology (like radar but with lasers) that is being used for self-driving cars. Companies in this area include Luminar (LAZR), Ouster (OUST), Velodyne Lidar (VLDR), and Innoviz Technologies (INVZ). Tesla (TSLA) has not made use of Lidar yet, preferring to use a rig of cameras and machine learning. But let’s just say that TSLA’s self-driving cars have had some…issues. In any case, despite signing deals with companies like BMW and GM, the future of Lidar technology and these specific companies is uncertain. Will Tesla adopt Lidar? Which one of these will be the eventual winner? I’m not sure, but right now they are all so cheap that owning all of them might be the way to go. P.S.: The Washington Post did some great video reporting on Tesla cars making errors in a testing environment:

Tomorrow I’ll be adding one of these Lidar stocks, Luminar (LAZR) to my Millennial Portfolio.

Please watch and subscribe to my YouTube channel. And like my video.

Here’s the link: