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Greece is the word in today's selling

This shouldn’t have come as a surprise, but apparently enough investors were still not expecting it so that Standard & Poor’s downgrade of its credit rating on Greece has pushed down global stock markets. Today, December 17, S&P cut Greece’s credit rating one...

Why all the hub-bub, bub?

As of yesterday’s close, stocks were down on four of the last five days. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is criss-crossing the 10,000 mark like a drunk trying to walk a straight line for an impatient highway cop. The Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index is...

The sky isn't falling and the dollar isn't going to zero. Yes, the dollar is in a slow and long-term decline but don't buy what the panic mongers are selling

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross laid out the five stages of grief in her 1969 book On Death and Dying. There’s denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. The financial markets when confronting a strong trend work through their own five stages. Not of grief....